Hang gliding DAY COURSE

If you are not sure hang gliding is for you, you can try our introductory day course before committing to do the two day or SAFA 9-day novice course.

What to expect:
In the morning you learn to set up the glider, glider preflight safety checks. Launch and ground handle the hang glider on gentle slopes close to the ground. You will learn basic techniques used to control the hang glider and get an understanding of the take-off phase.
Oz Paragliding & Hang gliding will provide the student with all of the required hang gliding equipment during these classes, including radios, helmets, harnesses and glider. Students should bring sturdy footwear that you can run in. Lots of sunblock and a sun hat and don’t forget plenty of water. This course is just the start. You will need to join SAFA as a student member before starting the course.
1 days / Allow: 5- hours